Often, he sings his choruses in a calm, casual quaver. And rather than bulldozing through these beats, Wiz just dances around them, never letting his delivery settle into a consistent cadence. "Good Dank" is all warm, rippling psych-funk- its guitars and organs woozy as all hell, its drums completely nonexistent. His choices in samples suggest a lot of time watching TV while stoned: Frou Frou's Garden State end-credits song "Let Go" on "In the Cut", Disney princess Demi Lovato's Camp Rock soundtrack single "Our Time Is Here" on "We're Done".

The tracks are airy, diffuse things, full of smooth 1980s-funk synths and drums that amble along slowly and quietly. He's charismatic in a completely relatable way. He sounds like the kid two dorm rooms down, bragging about whatever insane party he was at last night while he munches Froot Loops out of the box and watches cartoons on the common-room TV. He's got this donkey giggle that he lets loose often, and it might beat out Lil Wayne's guffaw as rap's most irritating laugh, no mean feat. His rap style is easy and conversational, a pinched murmur that never leans too hard on punchlines or narrative. Instead, he talks his shit with a blasé assurance one chorus on the mixtape goes, "We belong on the top, but we ain't trippin'/ Cuz we'll get there in a minute." For the most part, he raps about only three things: Weed, girls, and smoking weed with girls (usually your girl). a while back, you never hear any of the bitterness usually associated with big-label refugees. Though he lost his deal with Warner Bros. Wiz's appeal isn't too hard to figure out.