Difference between tangerine and mandarin and clementine
Difference between tangerine and mandarin and clementine

difference between tangerine and mandarin and clementine

Below is a handy guide to telling the difference between the most common types of mandarin. The name comes from the word for a Chinese businessman, which arrived in English from the Sanskrit word mantri, via Malay and Portuguese. From there they spread to Italy, and then Spain and the rest of the Mediterranean. Mandarins were a relatively late arrival to the West – not appearing in England until 1805. Fashionable Chinese women used to hold these fruits in their hands so that they would be scented by it. Mandarins were first cultivated in ancient southeastern China, having evolved from a wild fruit found in India. Other fruits such as tangerines, clementines and satsumas are part of the mandarin family. Most people see mandarins as a type of small orange, but in fact they are a completely different variety. Modern-day oranges are a hybrid of mandarins and pomelos. Not quite. It is thought that all contemporary citrus fruits are descended from three original varieties: the mandarin, the citron (related to lemons) and the pomelo (similar to a grapefruit). DO you know your tangelos from your tangerines? Could you recognise a ponkon? Aren’t they all just oranges anyway?

Difference between tangerine and mandarin and clementine